Hanapan ang Blog na Ito

Lunes, Marso 13, 2017


How I Met Table Tennis

I just started table tennis when i was in grade 8 i just started playing just for fun and i did not expect that it will be one of my career and it changes my life style to be more hard working person.One day in 2013 we were in house of my best friend and father of my best friend ask are you playing table tennis? And we say yes and he told us that he have a friend that who is coach and have their own club so he recommend us to visit their after one week we were brought to the club and we saw some guys are playing that time me and my best friend were really impressed and i think that i want to play like them after 1h of watching the owner of the club ask that do you want to be good in playing like them and we say yes and he say we can join their training and every monday Wednesday and Friday so we started to join after 1 month of training we try to play with the guys that we saw when we first visit the club that time the score Was too far that is the time i think that i have to training hard to bit them that is the time i started to train hard and dreams to be a varsity player someday i try to play with the players of fatima that time and the score was too far it was grade 9 i was really motivated that time to train hard to bit them after 3 years of training the players of OLFU ask to play in their school it was so unexpected that time i bit all of the players of OLFU they were shocked and i continue to train hard and now i can bit some of the UAAP players (University athletic  association of the Philippines) and some of the universitys are offering me a fullscholarship one of the school is ateneo de manila in this experience i really learn a lot but the main is if you have a dream work hard for it with patients.


Lang Leav and Michael Faudet

I am not fond of reading books since I was a child.It’s just not  my cup of tea and also because I love sports so much that I almost play all the most popular sports like Taekwando,Soccer,Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball,Chess and my current sport Table Tennis. But a special  friend of mine is so obsessed in this “book” that she always talks about it.So I decided to buy her one as a surprised gift.But what’s really surprising is that this book also caught my attention.It feels like it has a magic or some kind of magnet that it pulls me to read it. Now, I wanna share to you my fave poetries made by these two authors.


Valle kampeon sa Binay Cup

 (Pilipino Star Ngayon) | 
MANILA, Philippines - Muling naglabas ng tikas ang National player na si Rodel Valle upang isubi ang ikatlong overall title sa men’s open class ng Mayor Jun-Jun Binay Cup quarterly national table tennis championships kamakailan sa Makati Coliseum.
Tinalo ni Valle, miyembro rin ng Philippine National Police (PNP) table tennis team, si Al Arnibal ng Makati City Panthers sa championship round, 3-2 para sa men’s open crown.
“I always challenge my self to play each game as if it’s the Championship Game. That’s the reason why I continuously aspire to become a better player each day through training,” ani Valle.
Kabilang sa mga tinalo ni Valle sina Philip Uy ng Table Tennis Association ng North District sa quarters (3-0) at Jong Ortalla ng Makati City Panthers sa semis (3-1) bago makaharap si Arnibal sa finals.

My team and I joined that event but unfortunately, we did not made it to the finals. But still, I had a great game.


South Korea's President Park Geun-hye has become the country's first democratically elected leader to be forced from office.

That dubious honour was imposed on her when, on 10 March, judges unanimously upheld parliament's decision in December to impeach her over a corruption scandal.
That scandal, which has generated huge protests, centres on her relationship with an old friend, and has brought allegations of cult activities, influence-peddling and leaks of classified information.

What is the relationship at the heart of the scandal?

In 1974, Park Geun-hye's mother was killed by a North Korean spy who had intended to kill Ms Park's father, then-military leader Park Chung-hee. Ms Park, then aged 22, became a stand-in first lady for her widowed father.
Choi Soon-SilImage copyrightAFP/GETTY
Image captionMs Choi has returned from abroad to face questioning
It was then she got to know Choi Tae-min, a pseudo-Christian leader who set up a cult called The Church of Eternal Life. He said he had been visited by the soul of Ms Park's late mother who asked him to guide her.
He became Ms Park's mentor, while also amassing considerable wealth and power.
When President Park senior was assassinated by his head of intelligence in 1979, there was speculation it was because the spy chief was worried the president was being manipulated by the man dubbed "the Korean Rasputin".
By this point Ms Park was firm friends with Mr Choi's daughter, Choi Soon-sil. Their critics believe Ms Choi perpetuated her father's habits.

Why has the friendship become problematic?

On 20 November, Ms Choi was charged with various offences, including abuse of authority, coercion, attempted coercion and attempted fraud. She is now on trial.
Few claims have been off-limits in the media coverage, with some reports going as far as suggesting the president is a puppet who hosted shamanist rituals at the presidential compound. But many of the lurid claims are unsubstantiated.
Protesters wearing masks of Choi Soon-sil (left) and President Park Geun-hye (centre), alongside someone dressed as a donkey, at a protest denouncing President Park on 27 October 2016 in Seoul.Image copyrightREUTERS
Image captionWith no immediate family, President Park came to rely too much on her friend, critics claim
Ms Choi is accused of using her presidential connections to pressure companies for millions of dollars in donations to two non-profit foundations she controlled.
The claims have even swept up Samsung in the investigation - the firm is one of eight that has admitted making payments to the foundation, but denies it did so in return for any favours.
President Park is alleged to have been personally involved, instructing Ms Choi and two presidential aides to collect money for the launch of Ms Choi's foundations, according to prosecution documents submitted to the court.
South Koreans protest against President Park Geun-Hye in Seoul on November 12, 2016.Image copyrightAFP
Image captionProtesters have marched in vast numbers to demand Ms Park stands down
Ms Choi is also accused of having received large numbers of confidential government documents from Ms Park, via an aide. These allegedly included information about ministerial candidates and North Korea.
There are even claims Ms Choi took advantage of the president's wardrobe budget - buying cheap outfits and keeping the change.

What do the two women say?

They have both apologised, but it remains unclear exactly what for.
When she was first questioned in October, Ms Choi said she had committed an "unpardonable crime", though her lawyer said this was not a legal admission of guilt.
President Park has herself admitted some lapses. She says she did consult Ms Choi for advice, and that she helped her edit her speeches, but that this stopped once she had a team of advisers in place.
Witnesses have claimed that Ms Choi received briefings and official papers long after that occurred. Documents were also discovered on an unsecured tablet computer found in an old office of Ms Choi's.
But the tone of the president's pronouncements has changed over time. She began with opaque apologies: "Regardless of what the reason may be, I am sorry that the scandal has caused national concern and I humbly apologise to the people."
South Korea's President Park Geun-Hye (4 Nov 2016)Image copyrightAFP
Image captionMs Park said she had "put too much faith" in her friendship with Ms Choi
But she has moved on to "heartbroken" public confessions of naivety: "Sad thoughts trouble my sleep at night. I realise that whatever I do, it will be difficult to mend the hearts of the people, and then I feel a sense of shame."
She had said she was willing to be questioned by investigators, but has so far resisted their attempts to speak to her.
Her spokesman said the prosecutors' allegation that she colluded with Ms Choi was "deeply regrettable" and "but a house of cards built on repeated imagination".

So how is Samsung involved?

Samsung's de facto head, Lee Jae-Yong, is now on trial on a string of corruption charges, including bribery and embezzlement.
Prosecutors allege Mr Lee, heir to South Korea's largest conglomerate, approved payments of 41bn won ($36m, £29m) to Ms Choi's foundations, to win government support for a big restructuring of Samsung.
He denies the allegations, as do four other Samsung executives facing trial.

Lee Jae-yong

Samsung's heir apparent

  • - Grandson of Samsung founder Lee Byung-chul, son of current chairman Lee Kun-hee.
  • - Also known as Jay Y Lee, the 48-year-old has spent his entire career in the company.
  • - Is vice chairman of Samsung Electronics and was nominated to join the firm's board in October 2016.
  • - Despite his arrest, still widely expected to take overall control of Samsung.
  • - Critics say his rise through Samsung has been due to his birth, not his business experience.
Getty Images
Mr Lee, also known as Jay Y Lee, is currently vice-chairman of Samsung Electronics. But since his father, Lee Kun-hee, suffered a heart attack in 2014, he is considered de facto boss of the entire Samsung Group conglomerate.
In a December parliamentary hearing, Samsung admitted giving a total of 20.4bn won to two foundations, but denied seeking favours.
Mr Lee also confirmed the firm gave a horse and money to help the equestrian career of Ms Choi's daughter, Chung Yoo-ra, something he said he regretted.
Investigators are assessing whether the payments bought support for a controversial merger of two Samsung affiliates.
Some investors opposed the deal, saying one of the affiliates's shares were undervalued, but support from a major shareholder, the state-run National Pension Service (NPS), helped the deal go through.
The official who oversaw the NPS has since been charged with putting pressure on managers to approve the merger, which strengthened Mr Lee's control over a key part of the conglomerate.

Is anyone else involved?

Several former presidential aides have been investigated.
An Chong-bum, Ms Park's former senior secretary for policy co-ordination, has been charged with abuse of authority, coercion and attempted coercion, and Jung Ho-sung is accused of passing classified presidential documents to Ms Choi.
Local media have also been busy finding colourful associates of Ms Choi who were close to the president, including various celebrities and her personal trainer, who was appointed as a presidential aide.
Image copyrightEPA
Image captionAll the judges presiding over Ms Park's trial voted for impeachment

What now?

The impeachment verdict against Ms Park stripped her of presidential immunity. She could now face criminal charges.
The constitutional court's ruling, while not a criminal trial, will not have given her much hope she will avoid that.
It ruled she broke the law by allowing Ms Choi to meddle in state affairs, and breached guidelines on official secrets in leaking numerous documents.
She must now leave office and new elections must be held within 60 days.



A self-written poem for the girl who caught my attention

Isn't it amazing what one glance can do? 
You just pass by and now I was dumbfounded by you 
You gave me this kind of feeling
Smiling like an idiot staring at the ceiling 

Your eyes can make me gay
Your smile can take my breathe away
And when you laugh my mind would say
"Oh  heart not now please obey"

Seeing you at the corridor
makes me hide at the back of the door
Looking at you from far away
Makes my sadness and agonies slip away

I want to tell you I love you
But I don't have the guts to face you
I'm sorry I can't handle  rejection from you

Maybe I'll just wait for the day that you will notice me too.